Most of your time as a BizTalk developer is spent in Visual Studio, so it makes sense that the Deployment Framework should integrate with the VS IDE. The add-in provides the following points of integration:
- Commands that can be mapped to shortcut keys, toolbars or menus
- Deployment Framework for BizTalk menu under the Tools menu
- Deployment Framework for BizTalk toolbar
- Activity logging to the Output window
- Awareness of the solution status and active build configuration
- Add New Project wizard to create a new deployment project
- IntelliSense while editing .btdfproj project files
The add-in provides commands specific to deployment as well as some handy developer tools:
- A command to deploy your solution
- A command to un-deploy your solution
- A command to deploy your solution quickly, useful when schemas and orchestration ports have not changed
- A command to deploy or un-deploy BRE policies and vocabularies
- A command to build a Windows Installer MSI for your solution
- A command to export settings from your settings spreadsheet into XML files
- A command to restart BizTalk host instances and optionally IIS or selected AppPools
- A command to terminate all instances associated with the target BizTalk application
This screenshot shows the Deployment Framework for BizTalk menu open while a BizTalk solution is open in the IDE:
This screenshot shows the Deployment Framework for BizTalk toolbar while a BizTalk solution is open in the IDE:
The Deployment Framework commands may be mapped to shortcuts, menus or toolbars, as shown below in the Visual Studio 2010 Tools\Customize dialog:
This screenshot shows IntelliSense in action for a Deployment Framework MSBuild ItemGroup:
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